by Lori Quinque-Quinn
The 50th Yellow Springs Art Show and Sale
April 29 - May 14, The Washington at Historic Yellow Springs, 1701 Art School Road, Chester Springs PA. Several of our members are invited exhibiting artists at this prestigious show.
End-of-Year Student Art Exhibition
The Boyer Gallery at the Hill School, Pottstown, May 19 - 28
Chester County Artist Studio Tour
Saturday, May 20, 2023, 10am to 6pm, and Sunday May 21, 11am to 5pm, 200 artists and 79 studios. The closest location if you don’t want to travel too far is the Spring City Mill Studio, housing over 20 artists and hosting additional artists for this event. Several micro breweries and small taverns are close by.
The 122nd Annual Student Exhibition
at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts, May 12 - June 4. The Annual Student Exhibition (ASE) is an academic capstone event and the longest-standing student exhibition of its kind. While art exhibitions for matriculating students are common, PAFA’s show takes place in a major museum and is one of the most celebrated student group shows in the country. This is a must see and you can take the train down from Lansdale.
The Art of the Miniature Snow Goose Gallery,
Bethlehem PA, May 7 - June 10. Bradley Hendershot and Katharine Krieg, prominate members of PVAC are participants in this exhibit as well as other amazing artists.