Hello Art Enthusiasts,
You're invited to the upcoming board meeting of the Perk Valley Art Center. We’ll be welcoming our new leadership, discussing important topics such as upcoming events, our fall juried art show, holiday gathering, and new initiatives.
Your input is valuable, and we encourage all members to attend. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly.
This is a BOARD & BITES edition at Season's Cafe at Peter Becker Community (Maplewood Estates - 2nd Floor). So there is a large selection of food and beverages available for purchase.
The meeting agenda is below, if you would like something added or I have inadvertently left something of importance out, please send me an e-mail. I am happy to make adjustments.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Colleen Algeo
President, PVAC
PVAC Board Meeting (Board & Bites)
Sept. 24 - 11am - 12:30 pm
Welcome Back
Timing today: 11am - 12:30pm
Next Meeting: ZOOM?
Transitioning to 2024-2025
Meeting Minutes: Transitioning from Donna to Deb G. (June meeting minutes available?)
Treasurer’s Reports: Transitioning from Dianne to Donna
2024-25 Board & Committee Members
President: Colleen Algeo
Vice President: Sharon Gross
Secretary: Deb Guttshall
Treasurer: Donna McGough
Members at Large: Linda Gerhart & Karen Keegan
Director: Dave (No hamburger discounts) Thomas
Communications: Website & Social Media: Deb Nyman/Colleen
Membership: Deb Guttshall
Programming - Sharon Gross & Pat Wilson
SHOWS: Fall Juried Show Coordinator - Colleen/Deb Nyman
Spring Show Coordinator - ?? Are there any dates established
Education - Donna M., Joan Bibbo & Linda Gerhardt
Holiday Event: Terry Page & Colleen Algeo
Archivists: Dianne Cram & Lori Quinque-Quinn
Events Committee: Dianne Cram & Terry Page (Lori Q.?)
Publicity & Communications: TBD
Bylaws: TBD
Communications: Deb Nyman/ Colleen
Website update - Social Media Update
Programming: Sharon/Pat - Last Art Talk - Next Art Talk
Classes: Donna
Hill School: Colleen - Online registrations have begun. Mailing?
Dates: online registration is going on now - Oct 23
Receiving: Thursday October 24 - 3-6pm (need volunteers)
Judging: Saturday Oct. 26 - 10-12pm - (Need to confirm this with our judge)
Reception: Sunday, Nov. 3 - 2pm - Awards at 3pm
Pick-up: Saturday, Dec. 14 - 11-2pm
Judge: Debra Ricardi
Holiday Mixer: Terry & Colleen
Sunday, December 8 at Peter Becker Community in the Garden View Dining Room - Small Bites Buffet? - Beer & Wine Available for purchase (cash/honor system) - Room for mingling and for seating - tickets can be purchased through the website or via mail. Invitation to be mailed. Ticket Price: $25-$30 - —- Available - Beer $3-4 Wine $5-6/glass.
OLD BUSINESS: Hendershot/Kreig continue to borrow the canvas backdrops for their open houses. They have been coordinating with Coll and Mennonite Heritage
MCCC GALLERY - was provided a $200 donation ($158 funded by participating artists) for the Spring Show.
THANK YOU for all who enthusiastically engaged in the June Board Meeting in my unexpected absence.
NEW Business: Transitioning positions: What still needs to happen?
1. (Online banking/website reporting/ credit card processing transition from Colleen to Donna)
Renewal of Liability Insurance - Sept. 1, 2024
Consideration of an Annual PVAC Award for the Art Booster at PV (via Tom Comp on instagram)
MCCC Body of Work Show - Booked for Spring 2026 with Patrick
Penny Packer looking for teachers