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Perkiomen Valley ARt

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April 11, 2024 9:22 AM | Anonymous

Watercolor at Pennypacker Mills - Spring 2024

by Terry Page

A watercolor class for those adults interested in learning about watercolor and also for those who already know how to use them and would like to learn more.  This is your chance to be in a classroom and enjoy the company of like-minded artists

New students will need an introductory set (about 8-10 colors) of Student or Artist grade watercolors such as Windsor Newton, Grumbacher or similar. Brushes such as Princeton Round #4, #8, (#6 optional) or similar. These can be obtained at Michaels Arts and Crafts. You will also need a pad of Watercolor paper 9x12 or 11x14, or a watercolor block, and a hair dryer. Some kind of clips or artist tape to secure your paper to a backer board 

Please contact me with your questions/concerns about materials or drop-in sessions:

Terry has a BA in Fine Art and a Masters of Art Education.  She taught art at NPHS and now is teaching art at several locations throughout Montgomery County.

This is a 4-week class. Thursdays 1:00pm-4:00 pm.  Ends May 2th.

Cost: PVAC Member: $100,  NON-Members: $125




Serving Mongtomery, Bucks & Berks Counties, PA

Perkiomen Valley Art Center  (PVAC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1957 to further art appreciation and direct involvement with the arts by providing cultural programs and exhibitions by area artists.

Program presentations and show receptions are free and open to the public.

Meeting Address: Maplewood Estates, Arbor Conference Center, 2nd Floor, 815 Maplewood Dr., Harleysville PA 19438

Mailing Address:
PO Box 474  Schwenksville PA 19473
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